As fall peeks around the corner, things are moving right along here at Chez Casey. The Arizona monsoon rains have abated and we haven’t had a towering dust storm in a few weeks. The daily high temperature hovers between 100º and 105º F every day, so we’re on a downward trajectory. I’ve been pretty much stuck at home for a few months because my beloved’s predilection for disaster keeps interfering with his ability to drive or dress himself or tend to whatever wound is plaguing him at the moment.
The latest problem has been his broken arm (which if you have not been following this saga, Dear Reader, check last month’s entry on this blog for a full blow by blow). But just over the past few days, we have noticed a marked improvement in his ability to function. He has regained enough bilateral movement to be able to dress himself (mostly). Just this very morning we discovered that the swelling has abated enough and he can move well enough to be able to put his wounded arm into sleeve, over the cast, and thus wear a shirt like a normal person as opposed to having to button one side over the cast. He can even write, if the paper is in the correct position. Still can’t drive, though.
But he doesn’t need me to be with him 24/7, which means that I took a day off and attended the Poisoned Pen Conference at the Biltmore Resort in Phoenix on Sunday, Sept. 2. I got to catch up with so many writer friends and hear them speak about their writing and feel reassured that I am not alone. I missed today’s events (Monday, Sept. 3), sadly. It’s a long story why, involving laundry, broken-arm cast manipulation, hideous bug bites, and other odd occurrences. However, I hope to head up to the Poisoned Pen Bookstore tomorrow (Sept. 4) at 2:00 p.m. and join in the celebration for the release of my late friend Fred Ramsay’s last novel, Countdown. Click here for the scoop.
One thing about being stuck at home, I have been making good progress on the new novel. I sent the first 100 pages to my editor and she gave me the green light. So onward and upward! Barring more unforeseen events, I’d love to have the MS in shape in a few weeks. Also, I am in the process of setting up a date in October to appear at the Woodward, OK, Public Library. I believe it will be on Oct. 17, but details are yet to be finalized. We are calling it the “If At First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again Tour.” I also plan to be at the first Oklahoma Book Festival at the Brickyard in Oklahoma City on Oct. 20. Watch this space for details.
Speaking of September 4, that date is the 51st anniversary of my father’s sudden death. The end of summer has brought more than one death to our family, some shocking, such as my young nephew who died in a car wreck, some expected, like my grandparents. I’ve been watching all of the tributes to John McCain over the past week, and watching his adult children’s reactions (especially Meghan), reminded me that you never really get over the death of someone you love. I don’t care how long it’s been.
September 3rd, 2018
It was so good to see you and catch up a little, Donis!
September 3rd, 2018
Love you , Lesa.
September 5th, 2018
Two of my favorite ladies in that picture, Lesa and Donis!! I really wish I could have made it to the PP conference. I tried to figure out how to do it, but just couldn’t get it done. Donis, so sorry about your husband’s woes. Life is sometimes like that, right? We had a rough December around our place, but all is good now.
Donis, I saw your answers to the questions Lesa put to you on the Poisoned Pen blog. So, a new ‘Tucker Family’ book and one of the daughters runs off to be in the movies? Do tell!! OK, I’ll wait if I have to. Maybe I should just start at the beginning and reread them all.
Best of luck with all in your life. Hope we’ll get to AZ another year.