Welcome to 2024, Dear Readers. May it be a healthy, prosperous PEACEFUL year for all. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, as many have. The pandemic did me no good. I’ve become even more of a recluse than I already was. I had another birthday at the end of the year, and now I’ve racked up so many that I’ve decided I don’t want to waste the ones I have left. I’ve stared writing on a book that is totally different from what I’ve done before because I want to. Whether anyone else will like it I cannot say. But I do.
A couple of years ago, I began to ponder why I write what I write, because the books I pen don’t tend to be about popular, best-selling subjects. I mean, I’d like to be a best seller, but writing is hard enough without trying to write something you’re not in love with. I think I began writing about a mother’s relationship with her children because of my own mother, and this caused me to wonder why any author chooses what to write.
So for a few years I’ve been hosting some of my author friends on a monthly Tell Me Your Story feature right here on this blog. I’ve asked several successful authors to share their life experiences and how those experiences have influenced their writing, and thus far I’ve had some really sweet entries, like Tom Kies’, https://www.doniscasey.com/?p=1894. I’ve had some real eye-poppers, too, like Clea Simon’s – https://www.doniscasey.com/?p=1776 Ann Parker’s got lots of eyes-on. Most folks tell nice stories like Ann’s but some are really willing to go there with life events that colored their whole outlook and thus what they choose to write, like Clea Simon and Wendell Thomas. Robert Crawford really reamed the publishing industry!
If you’d like to see the list of fabulous authors who’ve contributed, click on the “ARCHIVES” button at the bottom of the left column. It’s fascinating to see how life steers us, and if you’ve ever tried to write – or undertake any project – believe me, after seeing what others have gone through will comfort you.
Don’t miss my January guest, Spur Award winner Reavis Z. Wortham, (http://reaviszwortham.com/).Texas through and through, Reavis is the author of the critically acclaimed Red River historical mystery series.
The beginning of 2024 is guy time! I was lucky enough to score the delightful Tim Maleeny for February and my dear friend Jeffrey Siger for March.
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