The first pre-publication review that I have seen for Hornswoggled has just come out on, and I’m glad to say that it was very good. The reviewer is Claudia VanLydegeraf, who also reviewed Buzzard last year. I posted the entire review on the “Review” page for Hornswoggled. If you’d like to see it, Dear Reader, please click Reviews under the cover picture to the right. Eventually, I will shorten it to an excerpt, but right now I do like looking at the whole thing.
I’ve been spending the entire last week getting ready for the Sisters In Crime talk coming up this Wednesday, June 21, (see the “Events” page for details) and am getting behind on my writing and correspondence because of it. I have been adding new material to this web site as I can, though. Aside from the Hornswoggled review, there are new entries on the “Truth or Fiction” page. This page is where I tell something about which characters and events are based on reality, which are total fiction, and which are a combination of both. I’ve added entries on the characters of Alice Tucker, Walter Kelley, Sally McBride and Peter McBride. After my Big Presentation is finished, I plan to put short excerpts from both Buzzard and Hornswoggled on their respective book pages.
But now I must go back to pacing back and forth across the carpet, thinking about the upcoming event and mumbling to myself as I plan what I’m going to say. Further progress reports to come.
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