Twelve days until the launch of Hornswoggled, and I’m about to run amok.
Well, perhaps things aren’t that bad, but both times I’ve had a book come out, it has felt to me that I’m never going to get everything done that needs to be done. Hornswoggled has actually been on bookstore shelves for about two weeks, but I count the first talk and signing, which will be at Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale on September 12, as the official inauguration date. I’m not having an out-of-body experience this time, like I did with The Old Buzzard Had It Coming. For several weeks before that book came out, I had an amazing feeling that reality was out of joint, and I swear I literally lost consciousness a couple of times even as I continued to function.
Preparing for Hornswoggled has been easier, of course. I already know many of the reviewers and media outlets to contact this time, and I have the relative success of the first book to wield like a sword in order to get the attention of those who count. I’ve been sending out press kits this week. I was able to include flyers from the “Oklahoma Reads Oklahoma” program, the article from the Arizona Republic which appeared last summer, and Novel And Short Story Writers Market was nice enough to let me use the feature on me from the 2007 edition. I’ve been making notes for my upcoming talks, so that I can appear spontaneously brilliant and witty. And most importantly, I’ve been planning the outfit. I will disclose that the heels won’t be so high this year.
I had a note last week from Julia Spencer-Fleming that her latest Reverend Claire novel, All Mortal Flesh, is about to come out. From what I’ve heard of the book, I think the poor Rev is in for quite a jolt. More on that later.
And finally, as of September 1, Dear Reader, you may vote for the Oklahoma Reads Oklahoma book for 2007. Go to and click on “Vote”. There you can vote for one of six books to be chosen the Oklahoma Centennial book of the year. The Old Buzzard Had It Coming is one of the nominees, and I hope that’s the book you vote for, if I may be so bold. You don’t have to live in Oklahoma, be an Oklahoman, or ever have met anyone from Oklahoma to vote. I would be eternally grateful
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