Only three months to go before publication of The Old Buzzard Had It Coming. I got the Advance Reading Copy a few weeks ago. These used to be called galley proofs, back in the olden days. Now it’s an ARC and looks just like a paperback book. I went through the ARC and made what few corrections there were before returning it to the press. This is the copy that my editor sent to reviewers and to Well Known Authors. I’ve gotten some good responses. (See “Books”)
The press sent a copy of the ARC to a proofreader, who pointed out a couple of places which in her opinion weren’t entirely clear or could be reworded more effectively. Then the press e-mailed her comments to me, and asked if I wanted to make the changes. Actually, I was gratified that there were so few. I did take her suggestions in two places, made my own correction in one, and let the other stand. Now I’m waiting to see what happens next. I know that Poisoned Pen Press is in the process of making some publicity materials for me to take to the Oklahoma Writers Federation Conference in Oklahoma City later this month. I’m working on creating some flyers of my own.
A friend of mine hit the nail on the head when she noted that my reaction to this process reminds her of the way she felt while waiting to give birth, with all the attendant feelings of joy, elation, fear and panic. It’s worth every minute of the roller coaster ride.
While I’m waiting for the book to be born, I’m working hard to get the second book in the Alafair Tucker series ready to go to the editor when she asks for it. It is my intention that each book in the series be about Alafair and another of her many children. The Old Buzzard is about Phoebe, one of Alafair’s twins. The next book will be about Alice, the other twin.
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